Our Journey

Oct 16, 2018—Vancouver, BC: In five short years, IndigenEYEZ has grown from a good idea into a vibrant organization that is actively changing lives. Our dynamic programs and flexible approach…

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Connect to Self

Oct 2, 2018—Vancouver, BC: IndigenEYEZ is happy to announce that we will be doing a series of online webinars in partnership with the UBC Learning Circle. Topics will focus on…

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Kim Haxton in Calgary

Sept 25, 2018— Calgary, AB: IndigenEYEZ co-founder and visionary Kim Haxton was recently interviewed by Anya Zoledziowski from the StarMetro in Calgary. The StarMetro talked to Kim, as well as Meaghan…

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Autumn Youth Camp

Sept 18, 2018—Sooke, BC: IndigenEYEZ and partner organization Power of Hope are thrilled to be traveling to Camp Thunderbird this fall. Held on the land of the T’Sou-ke Nation, Earth…

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Indigenous Awakening

Aug 21, 2018—Stockholm, Sweden: This summer IndigenEYEZ made its debut in European media with this audio broadcast and article about the collective awakening of Indigenous peoples across Canada by Sweden…

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Youth In Action 2018

Aug 8, 2018—Vancouver, BC: Last summer IndigenEYEZ collaborated with youth leadership experts Next Up to host the second annual Indigenous Youth in Action workshop. Come join us for IYIA 2018!…

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Teepee Camping

July 17, 2018—Cawston, BC: We’re counting down the days until our Youth Camp in the Similkameen Valley near Hedley, BC from July 28th to August 3rd. Our youth camps provide…

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Ancient Languages

July 10, 2017—Cortes Island, BC:  Join us for an empowering and deeply transformative 5 days in beautiful Klahoose territory where our visionary co-founder, Kim Haxton, will be sharing the best…

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Youth Transformation

June 27, 2018—Cawston, BC: We’re counting down the days until Sts’ailes Lhawathet Lalem Youth Camp! July 5th – 12th, 2018. Don’t miss this exciting chance for youth age 14-18 –…

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Why Come To Camp?

June 7, 2018—Cawston, BC: The IndigenEYEZ Youth Panel concludes with Part 5, “Why Come To Camp”, where Madeline, Colton, Natalie and Emma discuss the take-aways youth can expect when attending camp,…

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