Shape Your Syilx Future


You are invited to an




and CHANGEMAKING journey

bringing together Syilx ways of being and knowing and the entrepreneurial spirit

Syilx Youth Social Enterprise Journey (8.5 x 11) 02Aug2024


We hope you can join us for an educational and experiential journey of self-discovery, knowledge sharing, skill strengthening and community building

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Our journey begins with an in-person gathering as you prepare to plant the seeds of your entrepreneurial ideas


Engage in personalized 1:1 virtual coaching sessions, where you'll learn how to nurture and develop your sprouting enterprise


Leave with the tools and next steps to transform your idea into an impactful, flourishing social enterprise


This program is made possible through an ongoing partnership between Okanagan Nation Alliance and IndigenEYEZ

If you have ever...

  • Wished to transform your passions into your livelihood
  • Desired to challenge the status quo and create your own path
  • Wanted to spend time connecting, sharing and co-creating with likeminded people
  • Been curious how to weave Syilx ways of being and knowing into your work
  • Felt the urge to break away from conventional work structures to something more flexible
  • Aspire to create something that is an authentic reflection of you or your community
  • Sought work-life balance that honors your personal and cultural commitments
  • Imagined creating meaningful change in your community

...then we would love to connect with you!

A social enterprise is a way for you to make a difference and run a thriving business

A social enterprise is like a regular business, but with a twist—it's an opportunity to make a positive impact in your community and the world. Come alongside us to learn how you can create your own social enterprise by imagining, activating and sustaining your true passions.

_13 Moons Hike - Anona-min

Social enterprises are all about using your passion to bring positive change. They're for anyone with an idea and a desire to help others or the land. All we're inviting you to bring is an abundance of enthusiasm, a readiness to learn and heart for making an impact. We’re here to show that you can do well, by doing good.

Ready to start?  We're excited to build pathways to meaningful, flexible work that aligns with your passions and values. Let's go!


Shape Your Syilx Future

Photo credit: Okanagan Nation Alliance
Photo credit: Okanagan Nation Alliance

Shape Your Syilx Future is a five-month journey that beings with being together in person for an enriching weekend of connection, relationship-building and idea nurturing. After our gathering, you are invited to participate in personalized virutal coaching that will support you to continue to grow and flourish.

Journey Highlights

We're here to meet you where you at! Whether you already have an idea or budding enterprise or you just want to spend collaborative time with other likeminded people to see what could spark, you are welcome and you belong here!

  • Foundations for Trust Building: Learn the importance of building trust within your community and how it lays the groundwork for successful social enterprises
  • Finding the Environment that You Thrive In: Discover the landscapes and environments where you can excel, and navigate your way to success
  • Knowing What You're Capable Of: Uncover your strengths and capabilities through storytelling and shared entrepreneurial journeys
  • Actioning Change & Connection to Opportunities: Learn how to turn your ideas into actions and connect with opportunities that drive change
  • Reflection & Integration: Reflect on your journey, integrate your experiences, and set a path for continuous growth

Join IndigenEYEZ and Purppl for three days of brainstorming, collaboration, and fun: OCTOBER 25-27, 2024 in citxʷs paqəlqyn (Naramata, BC)

Our journey kicks off with an in-person gathering where you'll get to connect with other Syilx folks and spend time with mentors who bring years of experience in building community through social enterprise.

Together, we'll celebrate each other's unique gifts, skills and talents—including the ones you didn't even know you had!

Our team of facilitators and mentors are here to answer your burning questions or get you thinking about things you might not have considered before.

Whether you seek clarity on your professional interests, want a clearer understanding of what opportunities are available or are passionate about learning how to align your business ideas for the benefit of your community, we are here to help you shape your unique journey.

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Shape Your Syilx Future is offered at no cost to participate. All we ask is your time and readiness to learn, grow and thrive!

retreat details

Dates: October 25-27, 2024 (check-in Oct 25 at 4 pm, closing circle Oct 27 morning)

Location: The Naramata Centre, 460 Ellis Ave, citxʷs paqəlqyn (Naramata, BC)

Meals and accommodations are provided on-site at the Naramata Centre (Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch & dinner, Sunday breakfast)

travel & childcare support

If monetary support towards gas and childcare would allow you to participate more fully, please let us know when registering. Gas gift cards and childcare stipends are available to all.

one-on-one coaching

Following the retreat, you will have access to personalized coaching sessions after the event to gain ideas, practical tools, and meaningful connections to start or move your idea ahead.

technology support

If you would like support accessing adequate technology in order to participate in the coaching sessions, please let us know.

what is the time commitment?

Shape Your Syilx Future spans five months, starting the last weekend of October and coming to a celebratory end in mid-March (before Spring Break)

Weekend Retreat - October 25-27, 2024 (accommodations provided)
- Friday: Arrive at the Naramata Centre between 4 and 6 pm PST, dinner provided
- Saturday: Idea sharing, collaborating, learning and getting to know one another, all meals provided
- Sunday: Half-day, breakfast and lunch provided

Online Coaching - ongoing November to March
Access personalized coaching led by Purppl! Session dates are flexible depending on your schedule and availability

Final Celebration - March 5, 2025
An evening gathering for us to get together and celebrate the journey, dinner will be provided

Why should i sign up?

Shape Your Syilx Future is for any Syilx person between the ages of 18 and 35. You don't need to have any experience in business or entrepreneurship, just a curiousity to find out more!

You might be someone who...

  • Seeks more freedom and self-determination
  • Wants to generate income while also making a positive impact in your community spaces
  • Wants to explore your ideas and opportunites for work, learning, career or community
  • Has a business or idea that you want to talk through with other likeminded individuals
  • Just wants to connect with others and add to your skillset!

You can shape the future—your future and that of your community. Let’s create a pathway to a better tomorrow, together.

frequently asked questions

Syilx peoples between the ages of 18-35 are invited to register for this program—sign up online or contact


introducing our friends at purppl

Shape Your Syilx Future brings together a team of co-creators, collaborators and coaches from diverse experiences and backgrounds. We are honoured to work alongside Purppl on this journey. 


ABOUT PURPPL We build social impact, together. Purppl coaches, consults, and collaborates with social entrepreneurs and impact leaders to build regenerative enterprises and initiatives that address systemic inequity. Our team of experienced Entrepreneurs In Residence walk alongside clients to build skills, confidence and courage in impact modelling and measurement, financial management, operations, organizational development, and leadership.

Purppl is committed to decolonization, justice, and equity, recognizing the importance of acknowledging and working on our implicit biases. We operate with a profound respect for the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of many nations, including the Syilx Okanagan peoples, where we host our operations. We aim to be strong allies in building a sustainable, regenerative, and just economy and contribute to a future defined by collective wellbeing, equity, and the health of the air, land, and water.

Our approach to decolonizing our business practices and relationships is comprehensive, with every team member accessing training provided by our partners at IndigenEYEZ. We seek to inform our work in community through a decolonization lens so that we may contribute meaningfully to the development of a regenerative economy that honours the land, its original stewards and the diverse gifts of each person.