Leadership Essentials

Mar 12, 2019—Cortes Island, BC: IndigenEYEZ is excited to return to Klahoose territories for our 4th year at Hollyhock. Join us June 5th-9th as we bring the wisdom of our ancestors to bear on the challenges of today.
Through cultural stories and teachings, we will share skills for healthier relations with self, others, nature, and culture. Feet on the ground, we offer tools that can be used in staff meetings, planning sessions, HR, community engagement—anywhere people gather.
Emerging leaders will lay the foundation for a brighter future by bringing these skills back home to support their work.
As IndigenEYEZ co-founder and facilitator Kim Haxton puts it, “Self-awareness is key to being an effective leader. The natural world has been a source of personal wisdom for Indigenous people for time immemorial. Our work at IndigenEYEZ bases leadership practice in that vital source of insight—the land itself.”
Indigenous knowledge is critical to transforming our culture from a consumer, material, human-centred identity to one that is governed by natural laws of respect, responsibility, and reciprocity with the Earth.
Join Kim for this empowering and deeply transformative 5-day journey on the beautiful west coast.
Kim has two decades of experience sharing wilderness therapy and leadership development with communities around the globe. Her degrees in geography and outdoor recreation are paired with trauma-informed practice. Kim leads with a unique perspective on healing, including traditional and modern modalities, supporting people to discover their internal compass while establishing their relationship to nature. She is Potowatomi from the Wasauksing First Nation in northern Ontario.
[maxbutton id=”4″ text=”Learn More / Register” url=”https://hollyhock.ca/p/777/indigeneyez/” window=”new” nofollow=”true”]
A limited number of scholarships are still available!
For more information email inspire@IndigenEYEZ.com